Supportive Therapies
East Asian Medicine has a rich collection of tools that are used in combination with acupuncture and herbal medicine. At Golden Sound, modern therapies are also employed. Together, this full range of therapies harmonize the the body, mind, and spirit to realize a balanced state of homeostasis.


Cupping is a 3,000 year old practice that traditionally uses glass cups along channels to move Qi & blood, treat colds and calm the spirit. Fire traditionally has been used to create a vacuum inside the cup to create negative pressure, or suction. Today, sterile glass or plastic suction cups are available, which offer quick and temperature neutral option. Cups can be placed over tight muscles and trigger points or slid along the surface of the skin to gently increase blood flow to tight, stagnant tissue, encourage lymph drainage and rejuvenation, break down adhesions, increase mobility between muscle, fascia, and tendon.

gently increase blood flow to tight, stagnant tissue, encourage lymph drainage and rejuvenation, break down adhesions, increase mobility between muscle, fascia, and tendon.
Moxabustion or moxa is 2500-year-old practice that is well known for being used to treat many diseases. applied to treat many diseases. the act of burning the highly treasured herb Mugwort or Ai Ye over acupuncture channels or points to calm the spirit, increase circulation, warm channels or regions of the body, stimulate energy, and nourish . placed directly on the skin or on a needletop. Moxabustion is an integral practice and highly regarded in East Asian Medicine

calm the spirit, increase circulation, warm channels or regions of the body, stimulate energy, and nourish
Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral therapy calms the nervous system by tuning into and balancing the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid. The modality often involves cradling the head or holding hands by the feet. It is deeply healing for the brain and excels in treating post concussion disorder, mood imbalances, restoring circadian rhythm for better sleep, and enhancing focus and mental clarity. This energetic medicine harmonizes the body and spirit and provides a relaxing deep brainwave state for the brain to restore and heal.

post concussion disorder, mood imbalances, restoring circadian rhythm for better sleep, and enhancing focus and mental clarity.
Electroacupuncture is the application of electrical current to acupuncture points, channels, or regions of the body. Frequencies specific to the treatment are chosen and run for a set amount of time through the body via acupuncture needles. Ranging frequencies signal to the nervous system to release certain neurotransmitters for various actions and functions. While the therapy was developed less than 100 years ago in China, its progression is ongoing.

Incredible advancements have been made in the field of electroacupuncture in the recent years. At Golden Sound Wellness, we use sophisticated machines and electroacupuncture knowledge to maximize efficacy and precision. Electroacupuncture has a wide range of applications from digestive to hormonal and emotional regulation. By speaking the nervous system's electrical language where different ranges of Hz stimulates the release of correlating neurotransmitters, electroacupuncture excels in treating neuralgia, post-stroke-hemiplegia, and provides supportive care for nervous system disorders. It is most notably effective in treating pain and accelerating orthopedic healing.

electroacupuncture excels in treating neuralgia, post-stroke-hemiplegia... most notably effective in treating pain and accelerating orthopedic healing.
Qi Gong

Martial Arts is one of the Five Branches of Chinese Medicine and a powerful compliment to acupuncture. By matching breath to movement, quieting the mind, and focusing attention in the present moment, one can master the art of healing their own body, mind, and spirit. Qi Gong is a 5,000-year-old practice originating in China. Qi means life force energy. It makes up all living things and when flowing smoothly and abundantly it can be felt as vibrant vitality.
Gong literally means to develop a skill through steady practice. It is a practice of moving, transforming, and strengthening the Qi of the body as well as nourishing a strong relationship to the divine within. It connects one to greater consciousness and, like meditation, has the capacity to foster deep peace. Such reverence East Asian culture has to this day for Qi Gong and other martial arts like Tai Qi for they are steeped in historical evidence of people curing 1000's of diseases with their own body. There are possibly hundred of lineages of Qi Gong, each school harnessing their own power through unique forms. At Golden Sound Wellness, Gi Gong movements, much like physical therapy, can be prescribed for the patient to do at home to extend their healing.

Such reverence East Asian culture has to this day for Qi Gong and other martial arts like Tai Qi for they are steeped in historical evidence of people curing 1000's of diseases with their own body.
Infared Light Therapy
Golden Sound Wellness offers TDP lamp and infared sauna therapy creating a well-rounded healthcare experience. Infared light, the band of frequencies between radio waves and visible light, increases circulation, reduces pain, encourages muscle and tissue recovery, deeply warm the body, boosts immunity, uplifts mood, and benefits restful sleep. The TDP lamp can be situated over a chronic or acute injury to increase blood flow to the area, which in turns brings vital nutrients in and carries old blood and toxic waste out to be flushed and eliminated. Additionally, the lamp can be placed over the abdomen to aid digestion, warm reproductive organs, and ease painful cramping.

increases circulation, reduces pain, encourages muscle and tissue recovery, deeply warm the body, boosts immunity, uplifts mood, and aids in restful sleep.